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The sumerThe begining of the sumer i went to the birthday of the mother of a friend(lucas). I went to my house and stayed at home. I went to london, and next to scotland.And when we returned to valencia, it was my birthday. I stay in home and went to the party of "la canyada". And stayed at home until a friend returned
I have a bonsai. I water it when the land is dry, and sprinkle water on th leayes. Cut it when th branches are long becouse the branches grow very much.DescriptionIt is small (20 cm), green, whith a blue lowerpot. the tronk is gnarled.
ScotlandThe best hostel is hte carbislade castle. Is a catle in culrain (a small town). the castle is the best hostel for the young people. It is big and beautiful. It has ghosts. One piper, a white lady, and the dead of a war.
The castle of dunrobin is wonderful and in a river, ( in sumer)you can see salmons.
And you can see more things of william wallace.
All th scenary is beautiful to see.
LondonLondon is very big.
The best to see is:
The tower bridge, The themes river, Eton college (a school), the british museum(a museum), the sherlock holmes museum (a museum), the shakespeare's globe, the london zoo, the natural history museum (a museum), and visity the china town.
the best transport is the train, it is good and it goes to evry parts of the city.
and the canden town is the best place to buy something.
Does God exist?
I don't know this but y don't know if God exist because I am a Human, and I don't think the Humans will not discover this because they are Humans and these thing is more big for the Humans. But I don't know. one day is probably the Humans discover The God.